Make sure your pitch deck is investor-ready with an expert pitch deck review.


VCs need to see some very particular facts and figures to help them decide whether or not to invest in a startup. As a founder, you know everything about your startup, but that means you might not share the right information in your deck. That’s where Haje’s expert pitch deck review service comes in.

Haje is able to assess your pitch deck wearing his VC hat to determine what you’re missing, what you don’t need to include, and which of your visuals will stand up to VC scrutiny.

A pitch deck review from Haje can ensure that your pitch deck is pitch perfect, wowing your potential investors from the first slide and having them writing funding checks by the end of the pitch.

How does it work?

Easy! Send your deck to Haje and within five to 10 working days, you will receive an extensive report on the fundraising readiness of your deck.

Haje uses a flag system to indicate what needs immediate attention, what needs tweaking, and what’s good to go.

He will also review your copy for clarity, and for spelling and grammar errors. He might even re-write elements of your deck, or suggest amendments, to help you get it just right.


  • Ben

    “Haje is the ‘CEO Whisperer’ when it comes to fundraising. In my case, he helped transition the pitch from a collection of MBA buzzwords into a coherent and compelling founding vision, supported by a robust business model.”

    Ben Munoz, CEO at Nadine West

  • Tomás

    “Haje’s insights were truly invaluable. His comments highlighted the importance of clear, investor-focused communication to share our story effectively. Haje’s feedback helped us recognize where we were not communicating critical components of our deck effectively. His recommendations were easy to implement and helped us to polish our presentation. ”

    Tomás Vega, CEO at Augmental

  • Robert

    “Don't sit wondering if your deck is holding you back... So often, founders are trying to figure things out in the dark; thanks to Haje and the team, your pitch deck is one area where you don't need to be in the dark.”

    Robert Winder, CEO at Euto Energy

  • Bree

    “I was pleasantly surprised by the detailed and organized feedback I received. It not only impressed me but also served as a valuable checklist to enhance my deck.”

    Bree Thomas, CEO at Balance

Feedback that you can expect to receive includes:

Are there any red flags? Is there anything in your pitch deck that would make an investor run for the hills right away?

Are you missing anything important? Sometimes, the problem isn’t what’s there - but what is missing. Haje has a comprehensive checklist to ensure that you include all the info that an investor needs to decide whether to take your investment opportunity further.

Detailed feedback on every slide. Here’s where the bulk of the feedback happens: Every slide gets a detailed round of feedback. Does it tell the story it needs to? Does it fit into the whole? Haje will point out spelling and grammatical issues, and make suggestions for better copy, too.

Conclusion: An honest assessment of whether you are on the right track. Perhaps your deck needs a quick polish or a piece of information adding, and you’re good to go. Or maybe the news is less great: You may need to revamp a large part of the deck or even shred it and start over. Don’t worry - whatever the feedback, you’ll know exactly what you need to do!

The cost and deliverables

The deliverables for a pitch deck review:

  • $2,500 for a deck review.

  • An extensive report, usually between 20 and 30 pages in length detailing what requires improvement and what’s on track.

  • Flag tracker for an easy-to-read assessment of your deck.

  • Special offer 1: Included with the pitch deck review is a 1-hour 1x1 pitch coaching session to talk through the findings.

  • Special offer 2: Any client who chooses to pursue one-to-one pitch coaching following a pitch deck review will receive a $2,500 discount on the cost of coaching. Think of it as ‘try before you buy’.